The story of the Lyon Village Community House begins in 1923 when Frank Lyon purchased the 163-acre Cruit estate from the heirs of Robert Cruit. Frank Lyon’s development company, Lyon & Fitch (later Lyon Inc.) divided the Cruit tract into lots to create a community called Lyon Village.
Promotional brochures and early sales contracts for Lyon Village lots described a trust fund for the benefit of the lot owners. This trust fund was to be accumulated by setting aside 10% of the purchase price of lots. The fund was to be held by the company until 75% of the 163-acre Cruit tract was sold. When that occurred, a board of trustees was to be chosen by the lot owners to receive and administer the fund. The money was for sewers, electric lights, and the maintenance of streets. Also, $5,000 was to be used towards the construction of a community house on property donated by Lyon Inc.
A citizens’ association of homeowners in Lyon Village was formed in 1926. They began meeting in the offices of Lyon & Fitch and later in the homes of officers of the association. From the beginning, the Lyon Village Citizens Association talked about having a community house where they could meet and also gather for other community activities.
In 1940 Stanley N. Collins, president of the Lyon Village Citizens’ Association, wrote to Lyon Inc. concerning transferring the fund to trustees as provided for in the sales contracts. No satisfactory response was received, so lot owners filed a lawsuit (Collins et al versus Lyon Inc.). The court sustained the demurrer of Lyon Inc., so the lot owners took their case to the Virginia Supreme Court in 1943 where it was reversed and remanded.
In October 1944, Lyon Inc. agreed to give two lots and $20,000 to trustees appointed by lot owners. Construction of a community house began in June 1949 and was completed in December. The cost of construction exceeded $20,000 so lot owners contributed $4,000 and borrowed $8,000. A mortgage burning party was held in December 1964.
In 1968, the privileges of the Community House were extended to all residents who live within the boundaries as defined by the Lyon Village Citizens’ Association.
The Community House was renovated during the COVID pandemic of 2020-2021 with new flooring, kitchen, lighting, window treatments, and paint.